Wednesday, July 1, 2020

The Organization, Job and Recruitment Plan Analysis - 1100 Words

The Organization, Job and Recruitment Plan Analysis (Essay Sample) Content: Recruitment PlanNameInstructorCourse codeInstitutionDate 1 IntroductionAs competition increases, companies find it difficult to hire high-qualified and competent employees. Today, staffing in human resource is one of the most important management functions because it directs a firm towards efficient management of many other functions. Staffing is defined as the process of selecting, correctly training, rightfully rewarding capable employees to attain business objectives (Shamis, 2015). Similar is the case with Technosoftware Company as it also seeks a qualified employee to help in the production and introduction of their new product, RavWeb. A recruitment plan is a vital strategy that will enable the company to target the most appropriate recruiting sources, and eventually the most suitable candidate for this job. 1 DescriptionThe description of Technosoftware, the job, and the reward package will be included in all the recruiting sources so that candidates can famili arize with the firm, what is expected from them, and how much they will be rewarded for getting the job done, before applying. 1 The organizationUnlike other entrepreneurial organizations that are developed out of success, three frustrated, but ambitious computer experts- Walter, Darrell, and Benjamin, created Technosoftware Company. The company focuses in the development of software for business applications. Currently, the company is in the process of launching RavWeb, an on-line software package that the three founding fathers think will be a revolutionary product. For successful product launch, the company needs to hire a full time, professional staff member to work with the three computer experts. 2 The JobThe company wants to hire an employee that will be involved in every phase of the product management and product introduction that includes packaging, user manual writing, positioning strategy, pricing, promotion, product announcement, advertising, and sales. The candidate should be familiar with personal computers, willing to do clerical works such as typing, highly motivated, and self-sufficient. A degree in a technical field will be highly recommended and candidates with the right experience will be at an advantage. 3 Reward PackageThe first thing that the candidates should know is that the firm is small and for a start, the employee will be awarded $65,000 annually. However, if the sales of the new product, RavWeb, increase the company will reward a 20 percent bonus. Unfortunately, the company is currently not in the position to offer any health insurance or pension plan. More so, the employee might be required to work long hours, weekends, and during legal holidays.2. Recruitment PlanSince this will be Technosoftwareà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s first fulltime employee, the company hopes to target highly qualified candidates and can only do so using recruiting sources that can attract the best candidates. The internal sources, in the case of Technosoftware, are irrelevant because the company has no employees that can be promoted or upgraded for the job. Hence, the external sources that will be used include employee referral, newspaper advertising, internet job boards, and the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s webpage. 2 Employee referralReferrals are one of the largest recruiting sources for hires. A current study shows that 39 percent of the companies that actively communicate job opportunities to their current workers and encourage referrals hire the right candidate that suits the job description (Pratt, 2015). This is so because A-players that are talented and motivated surround themselves with A-players with the same qualities. Hence, the company will encourage their part-time workers to communicate the opportunity to professionals that suit the job description. Referrals, as recruiting sources, have some benefits such as faster time to hire. A study shows that it takes a maximum of 28 days to hire a refereed candidate and ten more days (39) to hi re one through a site (Pratt, 2015). More so, it is relatively cheap because no recruitment fee is required. Candidates that are referred by a current or former employee have a smoother time adapting to the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s culture because they gain insight from the person that referred them, hence easy transition. On other hand, when a company heavily depends on employee referrals, it can lead to charges of discrimination from the candidates that are rejected. In addition, dependency on referral programs can encourage an attitude of stick together that hinders the growth of ideas (Reddy, 2015).2.2 Newspaper AdvertisingBefore the introduction of the internet, people were reading newspapers for new job posting and this tradition still exists even in the current internet era. The newspaper is an effective recruitment source because it can attract a large number of people from diverse backgrounds with various talents that might be useful to the company. The secret of using newspa per advertising is to place the ad in the right newspaper, right column, and on the right days to target the majority candidates (Tobbin, 2012). The biggest advantage of this medium is the wide distribution within the targeted location. Furthermore, many newspapers these days display the companyà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬s websites for additional information and distribution. However, the major con is that the number attracted to the ad can be very large, which leads to many unqualified candidates. On top of this, newspaper advertising is decreasing its popularity and has a short lifespan, a day, or two, which can be very expensive (Tobbin, 2012).2.3 Internet job boardsDue to the increased use of the internet and social media platforms, many jobseekers are turning to the internet to seek employment. Therefore, including an online recruitment source is important to find the right candidates. Internet board can be either paid or free; Monster and Workpolis are boards that will require the organizat ion to make payment before posting the job position. If the organization wants to cut down costs, it can use Job Bank board and advertise the position free of charge. The main advantage of internet boards is that many people will see the ad since most job seekers are using the internet to find their dream job, which can increase the time to hire the most suitable candidate (Tobbin, 2012). However, similar to print ad, the organization can receive many unqualified resumes due to the high number of people viewing th...

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